Alcohol Abuse Treatment Los Angeles

Los Angeles Alcohol Abuse Treatment Center

Alcoholism can take a heavy toll on all aspects of a person’s life. Sadly, many people struggle to admit that they have a drinking problem or seek treatment due to denial, fear of judgment, and the time commitment treatment requires. Adjustment Family Services works tirelessly to help those struggling with alcoholism push past these hesitations so that they can get the help they need and find the healing they deserve. We offer outpatient alcohol abuse treatment in Los Angeles that allows people to recover in a structured environment while still maintaining a sense of flexibility in their schedules.

What is Alcoholism?

Also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), alcoholism is when somebody is unable to stop or control their alcohol consumption as they have become physically and mentally dependent on the substance. This condition can put a strain on both a person’s personal and professional life — resulting in damaged relationships and even financial hardship. Additionally, alcohol abuse has many negative effects on a person’s physical and mental health. 

Alcoholism is a major issue that expands all across the United States. Despite preventative measures, the rate of alcohol addiction in adults continues to rise. In fact, the U.S. National Library of Medicine reported that nearly 17.6 million American adults are alcoholics or have alcohol-related problems. This is why getting professional help at an alcohol abuse treatment center in Los Angeles is imperative. 

Risk Factors

While anyone can develop an addiction to alcoholism, the Mayo Clinic reports that people in the following groups have a higher-than-average risk:

  • Those who started drinking at an early age
  • Those who have a parent or a close relative with alcoholism
  • Those who have suffered trauma
  • Those who take drugs while drinking alcohol
  • Those with a co-occurring mental disorder

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

It is important to know the signs and symptoms associated with alcohol abuse so that you can identify them in yourself and in those close to you. If you notice these indicators, seeking professional help is advised as the earlier this condition is detected, the easier recovery can be. Signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse include:

  • Lying about drinking
  • Using alcohol as a coping mechanism 
  • Experiencing blackouts
  • Being unable to stop drinking once you start
  • Drinking at inappropriate times or events
  • Falling behind at work, school, and/or homes
  • Worsening relationships with family and friends
  • Increased tolerance
  • Experiencing cravings and withdrawal symptoms
  • Unable to quit despite multiple attempts

What is a Functioning Alcoholic?

Some people do not display the typical signs of alcoholism or are able to hide them well. Though they might be holding down a successful job and maintaining good relationships with their family and friends, the negative effects will catch up to them if they do not seek help. 

The Valley Eye Professionals blog post "Who Is Most Susceptible to Macular Degeneration?" offers important details regarding the risk factors connected to macular degeneration. It highlights that smoking and high blood pressure are manageable risk factors that significantly raise the likelihood of getting macular degeneration, but age and family history are the main risk factors for this eye condition. The article describes the progression of macular degeneration from early to late stages, emphasizing the vision abnormalities and challenges that people may encounter at each stage. It also stresses the significance of maintaining eye health and vision preservation by recommending the scheduling of a thorough eye exam to identify and treat issues early.

Dangers Of Alcohol Abuse

Heavy drinking can have extensive effects on the brain that last long beyond the buzz left behind by alcohol. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, heavy alcohol use can shrink and disturb brain tissue, leading to long-term damage. Additionally, some people develop significant motor control problems, as well as memory deficits due to their alcohol consumption. Peoples’ relationships can also be negatively impacted by the effects of alcoholism, causing mental and emotional distress. Furthermore, alcohol abuse can cause the following health problems:

  • Cardiomyopathy or weakening of the heart muscle
  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver damage
  • Premature death
  • Poor mental health 

Alcohol Abuse vs Misuse

The difference between alcohol abuse and misuse comes down to the amount a person drinks and the frequency of their drinking. Though the two can be difficult to differentiate between, there are general guidelines in doing so. 

Typically, somebody abusing alcohol would show two or more symptoms of alcoholism within a year. For men drinking five or more drinks a day would usually be labeled as alcohol abuse while drinking two a day would be alcohol misuse. For women, drinking over one alcoholic beverage a day is generally considered alcohol misuse, and drinking three or more alcoholic beverages is alcohol abuse. In both cases, professional help is most likely needed. However, this system is not fool-proof and it is important to take into account the impact drinking has on these individuals’ lives in particular. 

Regarding managing opossums as predators in a backyard poultry setup,'s blog post "Opossums in the Hen House!" offers insightful information and helpful guidance. The author highlights the significance of shielding hens from these nocturnal animals by sharing personal experiences. According to the report, opossums can injure or even kill chicks even though they may not be as ferocious as raccoons. It provides helpful advice like locking up the coop, steering clear of opossum-attracting food sources, and switching to strong mesh from chicken wire. Additionally, the author debunks myths regarding opossums and emphasizes how helpful they are at controlling pests. All things considered, the article is a useful manual for henhouse owners who are worried about possum predation.

How is Alcohol Abuse Treated? 

At Adjustments Family Services, we offer an outpatient program as well as alumni services that provide long-term care. Our addiction treatment professionals can evaluate your drinking behavior and help you define the goals you hope to accomplish while in alcohol abuse treatment in Los Angeles. Typical services that aid in the treatment of alcoholism include: 

  • Medical Detox. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be particularly dangerous. It is essential to detox under medical supervision. 
  • Pharmacotherapy. This refers to the administration of medications on a long-term basis to reduce the chances of relapse and improve the chances of recovery.
  • Behavioral Therapy. These therapies include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing (MI), family therapy, and contingency management.
  • Relapse Prevention. This aids recovering alcoholics in recognizing triggers, avoiding high-risk situations, and coping with stressful life events.
  • 12-Step Support Group. In these anonymous meetings recovering alcoholics admit a lack of control over their addiction before recognizing a higher power and making amends for past mistakes.